Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cause i'm a cheap chick

Throughout the day i'll encounter things that immediately make me think...oh that will be great in my blog...but then i forget it...

i've been forgetting a lot lately...well...i forget everything lately...

but there was one thing that really...stuck

I was in the drive through at Chik-fil-a and i always look at the people around me in the cars and whatnot...well the woman behind me...get this...was popping a zit.

I wanted to turn around and like...yell at her to stop...but it was too late...my appetite was gone and i had to tell the lady at the window to hold the mayo...

I have been reading Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk and i must say...it is my LEAST favorite book by him...
usually i can't put his books down...but this one...i actually shut and was like...this is dumb and i don't even care to know if they get out of the stupid theatre or not because they are all just cutting off their toes and fingers and killing everyone and starving and it's just a dumb book.

i'm in a random mood right now...
i get my hair did tomorrow after work...

now i'm in a bad mood because my brain can't remember anything anymore...early alzheimers if you ask me...
but then again don't cause i probably won't remember to answer...


1 comment:

Simplicity said...

OK popping a zit in public is totally disgusting!!

Now show us your pretty hair! Remember? You said you would...:)